ヘンリー E. シゲリスト(Henry E. Sigerist)著
The Great Doctors:A Biographical History of Medicine 1933
(Grosse Ärzte: Eine Geschichte der Heilkunde in Lebensbildern 1932 )
08 Galen of Pergamum (129 A.D.-Ca 199) | 08 ペルガモンのガレノス(129 A.D.ーCa 199) |
There are few great physicians whose value has been so variously esteemed as that of Galen. In his lifetime, though he had a large practice, he was but one distinguished physician among many. During the Middle Ages, his writing acquired a canonical status, so that he was regarded as authoritative to a degree in which he was only rivalled or excelled by Aristotle. Then came the Renaissance, when he fell into disrepute, and was even reviled. Down to our own day the campaign against him has continued, for many students of medical history described him as a false prophet, and contrast with him the true prophet Hippocrates. Owing to this atmosphere of polemics, it is hard to form just views about his personality and his teaching. | ガレノスのように評価が大きく変化した偉大な医師は居ない。ガレノスは盛大に医療を行ってはいたが生前には多数の優れた医師のうちの一人に過ぎなかった。中世に彼の著作は規範のようになって権威を持ち彼に相当し彼を追い越しているのはアリストテレスだけであった。次いでルネッサンスになると評判が落ちて悪口まで言われるようになった。現代になっても彼に反対する運動は続いている。医学史研究者の多くは彼を偽の予言者であると言い真の予言者であるヒポクラテスと対比しているからである。このような論争を考えると彼の個性および教えについて簡単に済ませることはできない。 |
If a teacher reads one of the Hippocratic writings with his students, he finds that the class is full of enthusiasm. If, on the hand, he makes one of Galen's writings the subject of study, the very first sentences arouse fierce opposition. Involuntarily those who read become advocati diaboli -- and yet they find it hard to persist in their incriminatory attitude. Now why is there such a difference between the outlook upon Hippocrates and that upon Galen? Let us ask, to begin with, who Galen was. | ヒポクラテス集典の一つを教師が学生と一緒に読むとクラスは熱意で溢れていることが判る。 ところがガレノスの著作の一つを研究の課題にすると、最初の文章から激しい反対を受ける。読んだ人は心ならずも「悪魔の代弁者」になる。しかし、このような告発的な態度のもとで我慢するのは容易でない。ヒポクラテスとガレノスにたいする見解がこのように違うのは何故だろうか?最初にガレノスとはどのような人か述べよう。 |
In Pergamum, the ancient capital of the Attalides, where such remarkable excavations have recently been made by German archaeologists, there lived in the second century AD and engineer named Nicon. He was a man of culture, well grounded in philosophy, mathematics, and natural science. He was "passionless, just worthy, and amiable". He lived in easy circumstances, and would have been happy, had it not been that he was unhappily married, his wife being "so ill-tempered that she sometimes bit her servant-maids was continually screaming, was a scold, berating her husband more savagely than Xanthippe did Socrates." In the summer of the year 129 AD a son was born to this unequally matched pair, and the father name him Galen, thus giving expression in a deeply felt desire -- for the Greek word "galenos" signifies "calm," denotes the condition of the sea when it in serene, waveless, unruffled by the winds. | ドイツの考古学者たちが発掘を行ったアッタロス朝の古代首都であったペルガモンに、紀元2世紀にニコンと呼ばれる技術者が住んでいた。彼は教養のある男で、哲学、数学、自然科学にも通じていた。彼は「平静、正直、温和」であった。彼はゆとりある生活をしていて、不幸な結婚をしていなかったら幸福な筈であった。彼の妻は「性格が悪く、たびたび下女に噛みつき、ソクラテスの悪妻クサンティッペ以上に夫にがみがみと言った。」紀元129年夏にこの似つかわしくない夫婦に息子が生まれ、父親はガレノスと名をつけた。ギリシア語で「ガレノス」とは海が静かで波が無く風で水面が乱されていないように「静かな」ことを意味し、父親の心の底からの希望を表すものであった。 |
He was a bright and lively youth, who was carefully trained by his father Nicon.At the school of philosophy in Pergamum, Galen became acquainted with the various philosophical systems. But he did not confine his studies to this field. When the lad was eighteen years old, Nicon had a dream which induced him to have his son trained as a physician. Dreams in those days were taken seriously. People were animated with a strong desire for expiation, for atonement, for deliverance from sin. They no longer made mock of Aesculapius, as of old had Aristophanes, the sceptical playwright. In Pergamum itself there was a famous sanctuary dedicated to the god of healing. Milaculous cures were matters of daily occurrence. Indeed, Galen was in later years cured at the shrine of Aesculapius. | ガレノスは頭が良く元気な若者で父親ニコンから注意深く教育された。ペルガモンの哲学学校でいろいろな哲学大系に習熟した。しかし彼の勉強はこの領域だけではなかった。ガレノスが18歳になったときにニコンは夢を見て息子を医師にすることにした。夢はこの頃まじめに取り扱われていた。人々は罪滅ぼし、償い、罪からの解放、を強く希望することに熱心であった。彼らは疑い深かった劇作家アリストファネスのようにアスクレピオスを嘲ることはしなかった。ペルガモンにはこの医療の神アスクレピオスを祀る有名な神殿があった。毎日のように奇跡治療が行われていた。実際、後になってガレノスはアスクレピオスの神殿で治療を受けた。 |
But besides the priests at the temple of healing, there were in Pergamum ordinary practising physicians: Satyrus, who had written works on anatomy and was one of the commentators upon Hippocrates; Straconicus; Aeschrion, Galen studied under these teachers, seeing and hearing much. The first cases of illness with which one makes close acquaintance as a student exert a powerful impression throughout life, and decades later Galen used to recount his early observations. He had made up his mind to become a great doctor. He studied all day and far on into the night, until his health suffered from overwork. Yet there is nothing from which a doctor learns more than from his own illnesses, and Galen observed his symptoms acutely. | しかし治療神殿の僧侶の他にペルガモンにはふつうの診療医師が居た。解剖学の本の著者でありヒポクラテス学派の著書の解説者であったサテュロスや、ストラコニコス、アエスクリオンからガレノスは学び多くのことを見たり聞いたりした。学生として最初に身をもって知った病気の第一例は生涯を通じて強烈な印象を与え数十年後になってガレノスは初期の観察をしばしば詳しく述べた。彼は偉大な医師になろうと決意した。一日中、夜中まで勉強し働き過ぎて健康を損ねた。しかし医師は自分の病気が最も勉強になりガレノスは自分の症状を鋭く観察した。 |
When Galen was twenty, his father, with whom he had been linked by such close ties, passed away. There was nothing more to keep him in Pergamum. The time had come for him to follow the example of the illustrious doctors among his predecessors, to travel, to see other men and other cities, to study unfamiliar illnesses and fresh methods of treatment. He spent nine years upon his travels, from 148 to 157. His first remove was to Smyrna, close at hand, and there he studied under Pelops and other able physicians. Next he went to the Greek mainland, and was for a time in Corinth. But the goal of his wishes was Egypt, was Akexandria, where there was still a famous university, the best place in the ancient world for the study of anatomy, in which Galen had special interest. It was no longer, of course, the Alexandria of old days. Nearly five hundred years had passed since the time of Herophilus and Erastistratus. The organs of diseased human beings were no longer obtainable, and the would-be anatomist had to counter himself with the study of the lower animals. However, Alexandria was a fine place in which to learn osteology. And Egypt was a wonderful country, too, in many other ways. | ガレノスが20歳になったときに親密の間柄だった父親が死去した。ペルガモンに留まる理由が無くなった。優秀な先輩医師たちの前例に従って旅を行い、他の人たちに会い、町を観察し、それまで見たことが無かった病気や新しい治療法を勉強した。紀元148年から157年まで9年間を旅に費やした。最初は近くのスミルナに行ってペロプスその他の有能な医師のもとで勉強した。次にギリシア本土に行きしばらくコリントスに滞在した。しかし彼の究極の希望はエジプトでありアレクサンドリアであった。この時にもアレクサンドリアには有名な大学がありガレノスが特に興味を持っていた解剖学の研究をするには古代世界最高の場所であった。もちろん嘗てのアレクサンドリアではなかった。ヘロピロスやエラシストラトスの時代からほぼ500年経っていた。病人の臓器を手に入れることができなかったので解剖学者になりたい人は下等動物の研究で対処しなければならなかった。しかし骨の勉強をするのにアレクサンドリアは適していた。エジプトはいろいろの点で素晴らしい国だった。 |
In the summer of 157, Galen returned to Pergamum. The gladiatorial shows held every summer in the capital of Pergamus were about to begin. Everything was ready, with one exception - the gladiators had no surgeon. The chief priest, who presided over the game, appointed young Galen to this important post. The gladiatorial shows took place. There were many wounded; Galen cared for them, and (an unusual thing) all the wounded recovered.Having thus made himself valued, he held the office of gladiatorial surgeon for three years in succession. | 紀元157年にガレノスはペルガモンに帰った。毎年夏にペルガモン首都で行われる剣闘士大会が始まる直前であった。準備は整っていたが剣闘士たちに外科医が居なかった。大会を主催する最高位の僧侶は若いガレノスをこの重要な職に任じた。剣闘士大会は開かれ多くの怪我人が出た。ガレノスの看護によってすべての怪我人が回復した。これは普通でないことであった。このようにして自信を持ち彼は剣闘士の外科医を3年のあいだ続いて勤めた。 |
In his native city he now had a distinguished position, and plenty of work to do. The gladiators' doctor was not merely a surgeon, but had to guide the training of the fighters. This gave him ample opportunity to study the theory and practice of dietetics. He also had numerous private patients in the town, where people were glad that the son of Nicon had turned out so well. Person of rank and fortune sought his advice. In the intervals of active professional work, he studied philosophy and he wrote. | 顕著な地位を出身地で得たので、することも多かった。剣闘士の医師は単なる外科医ではなく、剣闘士の訓練の指導も行わなければならなかった。これにより彼は食養生の理論と実際を勉強する機会を得た。さらに町ではニコルの息子が成長したことを喜んで多数の私的な患者を持った。地位や財産のある人たちが彼の助言を求めた。医業のあいだに彼は哲学を勉強し著作をした。 |
In the year 161, the term of his appointment expired, and he was free from the trammels of office. Now the time had come for the great venture, for a transfer to the capital of the civilized world, to Rome. Taking ship at Troas, he sailed by way of Lemnos to Thessalonica, and then continued his journey until one day, in the opening of the year 162, he found himself at the gates of Rome. His heart beat fast as he entered the great city. How would he, a stranger from afar, be received? The place swarmed with doctors, some born there, and others immigrants like himself. There were specialists for each part of the body, for every kind of disease, representatives of all schools and trends, quacks, butchers, and assassins. They competed fiercely one with another, decrying one another, climbing on one another's shoulders. Any weapon that came to hand was acceptable in this struggle for professional success. Well, he would fight too, and would use whatever means came to his hands. It seemed to him of good omen that a philosopher, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, had recently ascended the imperial throne. Such a man would at least be able to discern the difference between a philosopher and a humbug. | 紀元161年に任命期間が終わり束縛から自由になった。大冒険の時が来て文明世界の首都すなわちローマに向かった。トローアスを出帆してレムノス島を通ってテサロニキ(マケドニアの港市)を経て紀元162年の始めにローマの門に着いた。大都市に入って心臓が速く打った。遠くからの異邦人が受け入れられるだろうか?ここで生まれた医師たちや彼と同じような移民の医師たちが、ここでは群をなしていた。身体の各部分や各病気の専門医たち、すべての学派や方向の代表者たち、ニセ医師、下手くそ外科医、暗殺者、が居た。互いに激しく競争し互いに非難し互いに相手の肩の上に乗っていた。職業的成功の戦いではどんな武器でも使うことができた。さあ、彼も戦おう、手にするどんな方法でも使おう。哲学者マルクス アウレリウス アントニヌスがその頃に皇帝になったのは彼にとって良い前兆であった。このような男なら少なくとも哲学者とペテン師を区別できるであろうと思われた。 |
Galen was in Rome, but Rome did not seen to be aware of the fact. Asiatic Greeks, fine talkers, were there in plenty. One more made little difference. No use sitting idle in his lodgings; he must seek acquaintances. He called on various Fellow-countrymen, upon those who had come from Pergamum to settle in Rome. Fortune favoured him. Among them there was a man of considerable distinction, Eudemus, an elderly man, an adherent of the Peripatetic school of philosophy, who moved in the best circles. Eudemus fell sick of a quartan fever, and called in, not young Galen, but the most famous doctor then practising in Rome. Under this distinguished physician's treatment he grew worse and worse, until his life was despaired of. Then he bethought him of the fellow-townsman, Nicon's son, young Galen, with whom he had had some talks upon philosophy. Galen was summoned, and was thus given a great opportunity. He examined the patient, and made a prognosis. The illness ran the course he had predicted. He prescribed remedies, and the patient recovered. Visitors were calling in vast numbers to inquire after the health of the famous invalid. They made the acquaintance of the new doctor, about whose merit Eudemus was most enthusiastic, comparing Galen's prognosis with the utterance of the Delphic oracle. When he was fully restored to health, Eudemus could not find words strong enough in which to praise the doctor who had cured him. | ガレノスはローマに居たがローマはガレノスに気がつかなかった。アジア系ギリシア人の雄弁家が多く居た。何もしないで宿舎に居ても役に立たなかった。交際を求めなければならなかった。ペルガモンからローマに移民として来ていた同国人を訪ねた。幸運が得られた。同国人の中に著名人のエウデモスがいた。彼は歳を取っていてアリストテレス逍遥学派の支持者で最高のサークルに属していた。エウデモスは四日熱(マラリア)に罹り若いガレノスではなくローマで開業している最も有名な医師を呼んだ。この有名な医師の治療のもとでエウデモスはどんどんと悪くなり遂に生命も危険になった。それで彼は同郷の出身者でニコンの息子である若いガレノスを思い出した。ガレノスとは前に哲学について話し合ったことがあった。ガレノスは呼ばれて大きな機会が得られた。彼は患者を診察し予後を伝えた。病気は彼が予想した通りに進行した。療法を決めて患者は回復した。著名な患者を多数の見舞客が訪れ病状を尋ねた。見舞客たちは新しい医師を知るようになりエウデモスはガレノスの予後決定をデルポイの神託になぞらえて熱心に推薦した。完全に回復したときにエウデモスはこの治癒させた医師をこれ以上は褒められないほど褒め称えた。 |
Thus at one stride Galen had acquired a great reputation. It became the fashion to be treated by the newcomer, and, since Galen was really an able doctor, he knew how to maintain and consolidate his position. He was shrewd and cautious, not above an occasional "bluff." Are we to blame him for this ? Let us remember that the Rome in which he had begun to practice was not the Rome of five centuries B.C., but imperial Rome where there was a formidable competition among the doctors. | このようにしてガレノスは一躍に有名となった。この新来者の医療を受けるのが流行となった。彼は実際に有能であり注意深く、この立場を堅固に保つ方法を知っていた。彼は抜け目無く注意深く、時には「こけおどし」をすることもあった。「こけおどし」をすることで彼を非難すべきであろうか?彼が治療を始めたローマは紀元前5世紀のローマとは違ってローマ帝国になって居り医師のあいだでかなり競争が激しかった。 |
There is evidence enough that Galen's rise to eminence did not take place without resistance. The celebrated physicians who lost patients to him were green with envy, and did everything in their power to discredit him. Who was this Galen? To what school of medicine did he belong? To no school at all, rejoined Galen. How could a man of independent mind enrol himself in such a school? If he recognised any master, it was the founder of the healing art, the divine Hippocrates. Fierce polemics ensued. In lectures and in animated pamphlets, Galen took the field against his adversaries. His mother's passionate blood was stirring within him. | ガレノスが抵抗無しに成功したのでないことは事実が充分に示している。彼に患者を奪われた高名な医師たちは妬みで緑色になり彼の信用を傷つけるために出来ることをすべて行った。ガレノスとはどんな男か?医学のどの学派に属するか?ガレノスはどの学派にも属していなかった。独立の心を持っている男はどんな学派に入るだろうか?もしも誰かを師匠にするなら医術の創設者である神聖なヒポクラテスだけであった。激しい討論が行われた。講義や活気に富んだパンフレットでガレノスは反対者にたいして戦陣を張った。母親の激しやすい血液が彼の中で活動していた。 |
He made good. Patients of high rank sought his advice. The wife of Flavius Boethus, the consul, was suffering from one of the diseases peculiar to women. Galen cured her. He received a fee of four hundred gold pieces and was appointed physician-in-ordinary to the family. Boethus was greatly interested in medical questions, and attended Galen's lectures. Above all he was fascinated by anatomy. In this field, Galen has an adept. A dissecting room was established where Galen demonstrated the anatomy of the lower animals. Boethus was delighted, and wanted to have his family doctor's demonstration put on record. He engaged shorthand-writers who took down verbatim reports. In this way several of Galen's books on anatomy were compiled. | 彼は成功した。位が高い患者たちは彼の助言を求めた。執政官フラヴィウス-ボエトゥスの夫人は女性特有の病気で苦しんでいた。ガレノスは彼女を治癒させた。彼は謝礼として400の金片を受け取り、この家族の主治医になった。ボエトゥスは医学の問題に大きな興味を持っていてガレノスの講義に出席した。とくに彼は解剖学に興味を持っていた。ガレノスはとくにこの領域に熟達していた。解剖室が作られガレノスは下等動物の解剖を実演した。ボエトゥスは喜んで、この家庭医の実習講義を記録することを希望した。彼は速記者たちと契約して1語1句まで記録させた。このようにしてガレノスの解剖書が編集された。 |
He had more distinguished patrons. One of them was Marcus Civira Barbarus, an uncle of the Emperor Verus; and another was Claudius Severus, son-in-law of Marcus Aurelius. The road to the highest position attainable by a doctor was open to him, the road to the court. Once firmly established as physician to the emperor, his enemies wold be able to do nothing against him. Boethus and Severus wanted to recommend Galen to Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. | 彼はもっと偉いパトロンを持った。そのうちの一人はヴェルス皇帝の伯父であるマルクス-キヴィラ-バルバルス、もう一人はマルクス-アウレリウスの養子であるクラウディウス-セヴェルス、であった。医師としての最高位である宮廷医への路が準備された。皇帝の医師になることが確かになると彼の敵は何もしなくなった。ボエトゥスとセヴェルスはガレノスをマルクス- アウレリウス-アントニヌスに推薦しようとした。 |
Then a strange thing happened. Galen, the ambitious Galen now thirty-seven years of age and on the threshold of its supreme triumph, requested his patrons to abstain from mentioning his name to the emperor. Hastily disposing of his household goods, he set out on foot through the Campagna, crossed the peninsula to Brundusium, took ship for Greece and then travelled to Pergamum, returning to his native city in the year 166. | 次に不思議なことが起きた。野心家のガレノスは37歳で最高の勝利の瀬戸際なのに彼の名を皇帝に述べないようにとパトロンたちに要請した。急いで家財を処分し歩いて出発し、カンパーニャを経てブルンドゥシウム半島を横断しギリシア行きの船に乗ってペルガモンに向かい、紀元166年に故郷の都市に到着した。 |
He had spent only four years in Rome. During the brief space of time, the stranger had risen in the ranks of his profession with unexampled speed. Then, when about in attain the highest pinnacle of a doctor's ambition, he had fled. Why? | 彼はローマに4年だけ居た。この短い期間に異邦人ガレノスは他に例が無い速度で高い位についた。次に医師として最高の位(宮廷医)につく直前に彼はローマを離れた。何故だろうか? |
It is unlikely that the precise reason will ever be learned. All we know is that that year a raging pestilence visited Italy from the East. As to whether it was bubonic plague, smallpox, or typhus, remains uncertain, for the description lack precision. Beyond question it claimed innumerable victims. Did Galen run away from the malady? If so he ran only to meet it in Asia Minor. Can be really have been a coward? Perhaps he felt that when so desperate a disease was epidemic, the proper place for him was his native city. Other reasons may have been at work. We do not know. | 正確な理由は知られていない。我々が知っている限りでは疫病がアジアからイタリアを襲った。これがペストであるか、天然痘であるか、発疹チフスであるか、知られていない。記載が不正確だったからである。多数の犠牲者が出たことは疑いも無い。ガレノスは病気から逃げたのだろうか?もしもそうなら疫病に小アジアで出会うために逃げたことになる。臆病者だったのだろうか?多分このように絶望的な病気が流行性のものなら、彼に適当な場所は故郷であろう。他の理由があったのかも知れない。我々は知らない。 |
Having returned to Pergamum, he took up his old practice in the city. Was his great career at an end? Had Rome been no more than an episode, a dream? Would he grow old in this provincial city as a respected general practitioner, wax fat and die? That was not to be his fate? His name had bulked too largely in Rome. The court remembered him in his retirement. If ever good doctors were needed, it was now. One day there came an imperial missive to Pergamum, summoning Galen to Italy. Without undue haste, he followed the call. In the winter of 168-169, he joined the court at Aquileia. Hardly had he arrived when the pestilence broke out once more. The two emperors, Marcus Aurelius and his adoptive brother Verus, with their train, fled southward towards Rome. On the way Verus fell sick of the disease and died. | ペルガモンに帰ってこの都市で前と同じように開業した。彼の偉大な経歴はこれで終わりなのだろうか?ローマに居たのは挿話、夢以上のものではなかったのだろうか?彼はこの地方都市で尊敬された開業医として年を取り、脂肪がつき死ぬのだろうか?彼の運命とは違うのではなかろうか?彼の名はローマであまりにも有名だった。引退したにも拘わらず宮廷は彼のことを覚えていた。良い医師を必要としたのはこの時だった。ある日、イタリアに来るようにとの皇帝の信書がペルガモンのガレノスに届いた。むやみには急がなかったが彼は招聘に応じた。168年から169年の冬にアクイレイア(*イタリア北東部:第二のローマ)において宮廷に伺候した。到着するや否や疫病が再び起きた。2人の皇帝、マルクス-アウレリウスと義兄弟のヴェルスは行列を作って南の方ローマに逃げた。ヴェルスは途中でこの病気に罹って死亡した。 |
Galen had remained in Aquileia. But once more the emperor sent for him. The barbarians were threatening the boundaries of the empire in the north. Marcus Aurelius was arming against the Marcomanni. Galen was to accompany him. A campaign in the uncivilized north? Well, a doctor could gather fresh experience there, and would be able to disect the bodies of slaughtered barbarians. Surely Commodus, the heir apparent, needed a physician-in-ordinary? Galen was able to persuade Marcus Aurelius that he could do better work in Rome. On the other hand, the war might go on for ages. That would be a great interruption to his studies. | ガレノスはアクイレイアに留まっていた。しかし再び皇帝は来るようにと彼に命令した。蛮族は帝国の北辺をおびやかした。マルクス-アウレリウスはマルコマンニ族との戦争を準備していた。ガレノスは皇帝に従わなければならないことになっていた。未開の北部戦線にだろうか?医師としてそこで新しい経験を集め死んだ蛮人を解剖できるのは確かであった。しかし戦争は長いあいだ続くだろう。これは研究の中断になるだろう。後継者のコンモドゥスに主治医が必要ではないか?ガレノスはローマに居る方が望ましいとマルクス-アウレリウスを説得することができた。 |
There Galen stayed for another thirty years, until his death. Medical and surgical practice, literary labours, lectures, the teaching of the medical art, polemics -- these filled his days. Marcus Aurelius died in 180, while still prosecuting the campaign against the Marcomanni. Commodus succeeded his father, but was murdered after are reign lasting twelve years. There ensued the brief reigns of Prtinax and Didius Juslianus, and then Septimius Severus became emperor. Galen continued to hold his position at court. It was his duty to give the emperor the daily dose of theriac, the universal antidote which the rulers of the empire, who dreaded poison, were accustomed to take. Occasionally he was called in consultation. | ガレノスは死去するまでさらに30年のあいだローマに留まった。医療、著作、講義、教育、討論で日々を送った。マルクス-アウレリウスはマルコマンニ族と戦争を続け、紀元180年に死去した。コンモドゥスは父親の後を継いだが、12年のあいだ統治した後で暗殺された。短期間の皇帝に続いて、セプティミウス-セヴェルスが皇帝となった。この間、ガレノスは宮廷医の地位を保った。テリアカの一日量を皇帝に与えるのが彼の任務であった。テリアカとは毒殺を恐れた統治者が毎日摂っていた万能解毒剤であった。ガレノスはしばしば診察を求められた。 |
He suffered a great distress when, in the year 192 (the year before the accession of Septimius Servus), his library was destroyed by fire. Copies existed of most of his writings, but a good many of them were unique. He rewrote some of these; the others were lost for ever. Towards the year 199, at the age of seventy or thereabout, he died. | セプティミウス-セヴェルス即位の前年である192年に書斎が燃えたのでガレノスは悲嘆に暮れた。大部分の著作にコピーはあったが無いものも少なくなかった。彼は一部を再び書いたが永遠に失われたものもあった。紀元199年ごろ約70歳で彼は死去した。 |
Galen had been a voluminous writer. His works dealt with all the provinces of medicine and with numerous departments of philosophy. Although so many of them have been lost, those that have been preserved fill many volumes. The question, however, arises why Glen exerted so profound an influence upon his successors. Neither the quality nor the quantity of his writing can fully account for this influence. | ガレノスは大量の著作を行った。医学のすべての領域および哲学の幾つかの部門を取り扱った。多くは失われたが残っているものだけでも数多くの冊数からなっている。しかし後継者にたいして何故ガレノスが強い影響を残したか判っていない。彼の著作は質から言っても量から言ってもこの影響に相当するものではない。 |
We have already learned that he did not belong to any school. He was an eclectic. From the body of medical writing then available, he took whatever seemed good to him. He had no scruples about plagiarising from his forerunners, for this was the custom of his time. Still, he was no mere bookmaker, but chose his excerps under the guidance of personal leanings. Like the empirics, he prized experience; like the dogmatists, he liked to have a sound theoretical basis for his views and his practice. But, above all, he was a Hippocratist. Hippocrates was the master to whom he continually referred. Hippocratic had begun the good work. Galen's mission was to build upon Hippocratic foundations. Six hundred years had elapsed since Hippocrates had flourished. Much had been learned during those centuries. Galen thought it incumbent upon him to systematise the huge body of new knowledge that had come into being. He aspired to establish formulas which would free medical practitioners from perpetual uncertainty, would give them sound guidance to suit every occasion. | ガレノスがどの学派にも属していなかったことを既に学んだ。彼は折衷主義者であった。 医学書のうちから彼の役に立つものは何であろうと採用した。彼は先人の仕事を盗作することに疑問を持たなかった。この時代には当然のことだったからであった。しかし、彼は単なる編集者ではなく自分の好みよって抜粋した。経験主義者のように経験を尊重した。教条主義者(*ドグマティスト、ヒポクラテス主義者)と同じように自己の見解や医療のしっかりとした基礎を持つことを望んだ。彼は何よりもヒポクラテス主義者であった。ヒポクラテスは彼が常に言及していた師匠であった。ヒポクラテス学派は優れた仕事を行っていた。ガレノスの使命はヒポクラテス主義の基礎の上に立ちあげることであった。ヒポクラテスが隆盛の時代から600年が過ぎた。この数世紀のあいだに多くのことが学ばれた。その間に得られた大量の新しい知識を体系化するのが自己の任務であるとガレノスは考えた。臨床家たちを絶えざる不安から解放し総ての場合に適する正しい指導を彼らに与えるような方式を確立することを熱望した。(*ガレノスはヒポクラテス流に自然治癒を重視せず数十種類の薬を一度に与えるような積極的な治療を好んだ) |
In the Hippocratic writings, the most diversified theoretical views had been propounded. Galen made an amalgam of them all; the doctrine of the four humours, the doctrine of the pneuma, the doctrine of the physis. The most important innovation since Hippocrates had been the growth of a precise knowledge of the bodily organs. This must be built into the system. Continually Galen was endeavouring to erect such a composite system, all through his life, and in each of his writings from a different standpoint. He never succeeded in completing the unique system he desiderated.In not a single one of his writings did he formulate any system consistently throughout. Yet his books are so full of systematic or systematised statements that it was easy during the Middle Ages to compound elements from the Galenic writings into a Galenic system which was predominately founded upon the doctrine of the four humours and the doctrine of qualities. | ヒポクラテス集典には多様な理論的な見解が提起されていた。質(熱、冷、乾、湿)の学説、4種の体液(血液、黒胆汁、黄胆汁、粘液)の学説、「精気」(プネウマ)の学説、「自然」(ピュシス)の学説、これらすべてのアマルガムをガレノスは作った。ヒポクラテス以降の最も重要な革新は身体臓器についての正確な知識の進歩であった。これを体系に組み込まなければならなかった。ガレノスは一生を通じてこのように複雑な体系を立ち上げるのに絶えず努力し彼のそれぞれの著作は異なる視点からなっていた。彼自身が熱望していたような独自の体系を作り上げることに決して成功しなかった。どの一つの著作にも首尾一貫した体系は作り上げられなかった。しかし彼の本は体系的な、または体系化した所説に満ちていたので中世になってガレノスの著作を元にして四体液の学説および質の学説を主とするガレノスの体系を作り上げるのは容易であった。 |
In Galen, the ideas of the Hippocratic writers were maintained, but were given a peculiar, a Galenic stamp. | ガレノスにおいてヒポクラテス集典の著者たちの考えは保存されたがガレノス特有な性質も付け加えられた。 |
In old age he wrote: "I have continued my practice on until old age, and never as yet have I gone far astray whether in treatment or prognosis, as have so many other doctors of great reputation. If any one wishes to gain fame through these, and not through clever talk, all that he needs is, without more ado, to accept what I have been able to establish by zealous research." Prophetic words! Galen's successors showed themselves only two willing to renounce the trouble of making their own investigations, only too willing to regard Galen as an unchallengeable authority. | 老年になって彼は書いた。「年をとっても私は医療を続け治療や予後の判断において他の多くの著名な医師たちのように誤ったことはなかった。弁舌ではなく医療において高い評判を得たいと欲する人は、私が熱心な研究によって確立したことを苦心することなく受け入れさえすれば良い。」と。大した予言だ!ガレノスの後継者たちは自分の研究を苦労して行うことを放棄しガレノスを議論の余地がない権威者とみなすことのみに努力した。 |
Troublous times were at hand. Science was at a standstill. The historians of the healing art will look vainly in the four or five centuries that followed the death of Galen for physicians who manifested originality, for investigators who had ideas of their own. There were still efficient practitioners in the Roman world. Books were still written, but those who wrote medical books were no more than copyists, and they copied by preference from Galen. Religious problems rather than medical were the main interest of these days. The new faith, Christianity, had surged up mightily from the depths; it was fought with words, with steel, and with fire; then it provide victorious, and became the religion of the State. What this signified for the healing art we shall learn in a later chapter. | 騒然とした時代が間近になった。科学は停滞した。ガレノスの死後4世紀から5世紀の間における創造性ある医師たちや独自の思想を持つ研究者たちを医学史家たちは探し求めたが無駄であった。ローマの世界にはまだ有能な臨床家たちが居た。本はまだ書かれていたが医学書の著者はコピー製作者以上ではなく主としてガレノスからコピーをしていた。当時は医学の問題より宗教の問題に興味が持たれた。新しい信仰であるキリスト教が深みから強力に押し寄せてきた。言葉、はがね、火、をもって戦われた。キリスト教は勝利し、国教となった。医術にとってこのことがどのような意味を持つかは後の章で学ぶことになる。 |
Meanwhile the Teutons were a gathering storm upon the north-western frontiers of the Empire. Towards the close of the 4th century the storm burst. The world changed its countenance. The period of the folk migrations had begun. Then, when the Roman would had been overrun by the barbarians, in the East Mohammed was born. | そのうちに、帝国の北西の前線でチュートン人が嵐になりそうな雲行きとなり、紀元4世紀の末には嵐となった。世界は変化した。民族大移動の時代が始まった。野蛮人によってローマ帝国が侵入されるようになった頃、東ではムハンマドが生まれた。 |